Alone and Awesome

Being single, silly, and secure

From my Doggo (I guess)

Happy Holidays, my find-wine peoples!

Yes, that was lame.

My 50lb land shark, (aka my dog), is making it extremely difficult to type this blog. What is just a few seconds of reading for you, is for me minutes of throwing elbows and toys trying to get her to leave me alone long enough to write a full sentence.

Around the holidays I do not like leaving my home. I stock up on food well before Christmas and wait for the new year. It’s too peopley out there…


Just in case you wondered, the featured image is her as I am writing this blog. She will not stop. Oh my gosh.

I had a different titled planned for this post, but since my dog seems to want to be a part of this I changed it.

You’re welcome.

I hope you guys are doing well. I really do. Some of my friends and family this year are having a hard time. It’ll be a quiet Christmas.

Except for me.


She’s so cute. Oh my gosh I love her so much.

Oh! She left the room! I can type freely.

Crap here she comes. Hah, that was short lived. She didn’t hear me type that just now, did she? Oh my gosh. She had more toys with her. So cute. Oh, and a mouthful of food.


But yeah, the holidays can be hard so I just wanted to catch up with you, my peoples, and see how you’re doing. Hanging in there, I hope.

I love how much free time I have this time of year. I’ve spend an entire day editing and writing. I’m also eating way too much, but I’m one of those people that doesn’t care during December. I mean, if my sides get any wider I may have to start caring. I guess I don’t have the metabolism I used to.

Oh gosh. She’s back.

Fun story. She’s a husky and that breed is known to sometimes learn human speech.

So I look at her, and she stared at me. And then she says, “Hello.”

And I know she really wants attention. Not that that isn’t already PERFECTLY clear with her cramming her nose under my arm and throwing my arm up and causing all the typos.

OHMIGOSH ALL THE DROOL did she seriously cram her face in her water bowl just to dribble all over me? What a jerk…

Oh! Oh my gosh she’s laying down– oh, no, spoke too soon. She’s just trying to get her toy out from under the couch.

Trying ta’ get da’ toy, my cute fluffer


Merry Christmas to you, my peoples. Drive safe. Look out for deer and impaired drivers.

And my dog.

Look out for her. Because she will plow you over and lick your face off.

I have no face.


Happy Holidays! I’ll probably be back next year. Until then~


PS. She’s barking under the couch now.

PSS. Read the tags after this post if you haven’t already.

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