Alone and Awesome

Being single, silly, and secure

End of the World :D

Hello, my mask-wearing (or not mask-wearing) peoples!

I hope this blog post finds you well. It’s been a long time since my last blog post, yet again. Life is as always chaos and even as I’m typing this my dog is nudging my arms and shoving her toys on my lap wanting my attention. I am playing with her, don’t misunderstand. She’s just really excited that I’m sitting still where she can reach.

You guys didn’t have any time pass between this paragraph and the last, but much time did pass and my dog is now laying on the floor quietly so you have my undivided attention…

For now…

So! How’s it going? The world is so touchy anymore I’m cautious to write my thoughts in my blog. Even though not many of you follow me, I don’t want political arguments on here. Here is just a place to go and read a blog, maybe get some new thoughts or ideas to chew on as you go about your life. My opinions are strictly my own, like what I wanted to talk about today.


…or so people keep telling me.

Just as a refresher, (and fyi to new readers that may stumble in), I am a Christian. Not in some denomination, not religious, just a Bible reading, God seeking, Christian. So, when people are talking about how everything we’re seeing are signs of the end of the world, I want to remind everyone that even in ancient times people have been reading the trials of the world as signs of the end of the world. And yet here we are. We keep standing on this big old rock of mystery and wonder, spinning in the vast universe that God gave us to explore and to encourage imagination and awe.

My opinions, dear people. You don’t need to take my word for gospel and I will not ask you to.

Not even the angels who wait on God in heaven know when the end will come, so how do you expect to know better than them? Yes, we have the signs in Revelation, but even Jesus said no one knew when the last days would come.

Personally I believe it’s not worth us worrying about.

The only thing Jesus stressed was for us to behave as if it is the last days. That means to love like Him, to not take these days for granted, to do what you can to show the love of Jesus to a fallen world. Because it could be the end day for you. For me. For a coworker. We don’t know when we will die, and we don’t know when the world will end.

But it honestly could be at any minute.

We need to live as if it is the end days because tomorrow isn’t promised. Your next breath isn’t promised. Heck, I could drop dead after finishing this blog post. But I digress…

I don’t want to step on any toes here, but I’m sure I have. The Bible tells us not to worry about anything. It’s fun to think, “oooh, is this the end? That’d be so cool to see!”

But to sit and worry and panic and be scared of all the horrors that come with the end of the world in Revelation coming down all of a sudden is not right. We shouldn’t fear this world or the bad things going on. “To live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). We tend to be scared of stuff a lot. I like to read this portion of “On Living in an Atomic Age” written by C. S. Lewis, one of my favorite writers and a person who continues to earn my respect long past his death…

Please follow the link and read what he wrote. It won’t take you too long.

We let fear drive us. Have I written about this before…?

You need to know I am a creature of fear. I have anxiety. Social anxiety that makes me awkward around people, and other anxiety that has me sitting on the couch trying to talk myself into going to the store and then talking myself out of it again because “what if I see someone I don’t like?” “What if something bad happens?” “What if I do something silly by accident and look like an idiot in front of strangers?” and even and more frequent, “What if I drop something?”

I remember vividly a day in a store, (I think it was Sam’s Club…), I was a young girl carrying the milk.

I dropped it. Not sure how. It just slipped I guess.

It exploded at my feet.

I was so horrified I don’t even remember if I had cried. I probably did. It was such a mess. So many people were looking at me. There were whispers, my mom was saying something, an employee was cleaning the mess and fetched a new one for us.

That brings me to another topic, how small situations can leave a permanent memory that shows up at times. Even now remembering that small moment makes me want to cry.

…The heck was I talking about…

OH! Fear. Hah, I had to go back and reread what I had written to remember.

But yes, I know a LOT about fear, so if I’m not fearful of what’s going on in the world I implore you not to be scared either. This too shall pass. Nothing lasts forever.

But history does repeat itself. And we may go through things our ancestors did, and if we do then I can only pray we will be as brave as they were. For Christians, we are to be glad of persecution. It’s hard to believe that, and we probably won’t be… but I hope I will be. I hope I’ll be strong if things get as bad as I am expecting.

Being an over-thinking, anxiety-riddled, optimistic realist, I’ve thought through what could be the worst case scenario.

I think we’ll be okay. Believe what you want, but don’t let others tell you what to believe. Chew on the information, find the facts, and form your own opinions. Might be wrong, might not matter if it is. This world is chaos. I tell everyone the same thing:

“The important thing it to take care of you and your own.”

That is what I think. Might be selfish, but it’s what’s in our control when everything else is, and always has been, out of our control.

But thankfully it is in God’s hand. So we don’t have to worry. We just have to live life, and live it well.

In other news, I have no links to websites or any other social media anymore. I removed it all or am letting it die. It’s just me and my blog now.

Less is more, right?

I hope I gave you something to think about. Like I said, this is just my personal belief. I strive to live peacefully… yet somehow my life is always so busy. How weird…

Take care of yourself, my peoples! It’s getting colder and flu season is on the way. Everyone will be getting sick now so everyone will be acting crazy and throwing bottles of hand sanitizer at your head.

Or was that just me?

Merry Christmas!!!

Ahahahahaha!!! It’s not time yet, but it’s coming. My dog is back nudging my arms, and by nudge I mean shoving her nose under my elbow and flinging my arm up, which makes it hard to type. I gotta go and play with her now.

Take care, my peoples!!! Until next time~

And remember, don’t drop the milk!!!

Ha ha ha… *sigh*


1 Comment

  1. mendellrachel7



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